Introducing Baby Food Appropriate Age Level

Introducing baby food should be adjusted to his age. Start from the texture of food that is soft until then increased to become denser. Experts recommend to start feeding when the baby is 6 months old. No less important is paying attention to the baby's readiness and nutritional needs. If necessary, consult a doctor before feeding the baby.

Adjusting the Baby's Ability

Some signs that you can recognize as the baby's readiness to eat solid food in addition to breast milk (ASI) are starting to lose the reflexes pushing on the baby's tongue, begin to have the ability to control the head and neck to sit upright, and their interest in food, which can be seen with his efforts to take other people's food. If you are still confused about the right menu, here are instructions for baby feeding according to age:
  • Ages 4-6 Months

  • At this time, milk or formula milk is the main nutritional intake of infants. Meanwhile, solid food is an additional intake. Usually the first baby food introduced is baby cereal porridge mixed with milk or formula milk. Do not rush to give baby porridge or similar solid food, but introduce slowly. The trick, give one tablespoon of cereal crushed near the baby's mouth. If the baby refuses, delay for a moment or wait a few days before trying again. Even if you expect your baby to eat, it's best to wait until he looks a little hungry. But do not let the baby get too hungry because it can cause the baby to fuss or get tired. To work around this, you may give a little milk first. After that, lap the baby or sit in a special seat to start the initial steps of baby feeding. You can start giving porridge made from bananas, apples, papayas and yams mashed with a blender. Introduce this fruit porridge around 1 teaspoon, then increase it to one tablespoon twice a day. In addition, you can buy special baby food that will become soft like porridge after it is mixed with water.
  • Aged 6-8 months

  • At this age, the average baby is able to sit in a special baby chair, without assistance. To be safer, do not forget to wear the usual seat belt attached to the chair. When your baby is able to eat soft cereal or rice porridge from a spoon, then you can introduce other types of baby food. Do it slowly when providing new types of food. You can give the food to the baby for several days in a row so that he is familiar with the taste, as well as knowing that your baby may have an allergic reaction. At this age, you can provide mashed fruits and vegetables. For example, avocados for baby food or sweet potatoes and carrots that have been cooked first. Another option is porridge from beans, such as edamame, long beans, kidney beans, and porridge from tofu. Nowadays babies can also be given unsweetened yogurt in small portions. As a protein intake, babies can begin to be given meat, such as boneless fish or chicken. Finely chop the meat before consuming the baby. The portion for babies 6-8 months is 1 teaspoon of fruit porridge, which can then be increased to ¼ to ½ cup gradually in 2-3 meals. The same portion applies to porridge from vegetables. Meanwhile, soft cereal or rice porridge can be given around 3-9 tablespoons in 2-3 meals.
  • Ages 8-10 months

  • At the age of 8-10 months, most babies are able to consume porridge or cereal that is given along with breast milk or formula milk. Generally, babies can now chew food with a coarser texture. 9-month-old babies have begun to show the ability and coordination of the thumb and index finger to hold and put food into the mouth. You just have to smooth the baby food, no longer need to make it porridge. Some foods such as carrots or sweet potatoes need to be cooked first, but do not need to be mashed, just cut into small pieces so as not to make the baby choke. Similarly, when you will provide special biscuits for babies. If you want to give an egg, select the egg yolk section. The portion of food for babies aged 8-10 months is about ¼ to ½ cup of cereal, ¾ or 1 cup of fruit and vegetables. Add up to ½ cup of protein source food.
  • 10-12 months old

  • The portion of food for children aged 10-12 months is not too different from the age of 8-10 months. By the first birthday, the baby is able to eat the same food as adults. It's just that it needs to be given in small pieces to be safe when chewed and swallowed. Legume products, whole eggs and fish should be consumed after the baby is one year old, especially if there are family members who have a history of allergies. In addition, cow's milk and honey are also recommended to be given after the baby is one year old.

Tips for Preparing Baby Food

Cleanliness is one of the important things that must be considered when preparing baby food. For that, do not forget to wash your hands before. If you buy ready-made food for babies, make sure the product meets health standards. Don't forget to read the label. Avoid products that contain sweeteners and other additives. When you are going to provide ready-to-use food from the package, first transfer it to a serving bowl, then store the rest in the refrigerator. Spend in 1-2 days after the packaging is opened. If you prepare baby food yourself, use a blender or food processor. Choose how to cook that can maintain better nutrition. Compared to boiled, steamed fruits and vegetables are better. Start with one food ingredient, then try mixing two food ingredients to be processed into porridge. One of the most important things, make sure the texture of the baby food that you prepare according to age. At the age of 9 months, babies can start eating foods with a coarser and thicker texture to help them learn to chew. For safety, never leave your baby alone while eating. Also, avoid giving food that might cause the baby to choke. Adjust the time of baby feeding, especially solid food, with the age and ability of the baby. If necessary, consult your doctor about proper food choices and portions.


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